About Our Organization


Inspiring young people to be lifelong voters and to increase active participation of all citizens in our democracy.


Alpha AchieversWe have partnered with Mr. Anthone Bond, a HCPSS teacher at Wilde Lake HS. Mr. Bond creates leadership opportunities for Alpha Achievers where they register their peers to vote at our voter registration drives.

Young ActivistsThrough a partnership with the Young Activist student group, founded by Reservoir HS Alumna Riley Macon, Young Activist students registered their peers to vote at our voter registration drives.

Howard County Board of ElectionsWe are grateful to staff at HoCo Board of Elections who attended our meetings to train our volunteers on how to register individuals to vote. 

HCPSS SchoolsWe are grateful for HCPSS High Schools who allowed us to run voter registration drives at their schools including: Wilde Lake HS, Reservoir HS, Howard HS, Long Reach HS and Atholton HS. 


Our Stats

Adult Volunteers
Student Volunteers
Registration Events
Students Registered to Vote